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Frequently Asked Questions

last update 1.5.25



During APP INSTALL make sure to AGREE to ALLOW NOTIFICATIONS. Otherwise you will miss important messages from friends and organizers. 


When you make your first GROUP chat, ALLOW CONTACTS access should be granted.


Otherwise you will NOT be able to create a GROUP chat. 


Follow the 🔴 red dots as a general rule of thumb. This is always a good way to get familiar with DMP. Red dots represent an action OR unread message. 


DMP adjusts to your phones' font size settings for ease of use. If you need to adjust fonts, don't forget that iPhones have a special feature to adjust font sizes by specific app.  Go to general settings / accessibility / general / per app settings.  An alternative way to do this is covered in this YouTube video

  • What is a group chat
    Group chat is a type of communication platform that allows members of a group, team or organization to quickly and easily exchange information in real-time through instant messaging. This is a core feature of DMP.
  • What should I name my group chat
    This is up to you, but using a name that will make sense to the people you are inviting to the group makes the most sense. Examples > 4.5 mens team Wed nights Pickleball hitters Friday Maintenance Team Pros @ Stonebridge Club Wed morning mixed doubles Pickle Sat @ Chelsea Park You can edit the group name as much as you like so don't feel you are locked into any name !
  • How do I create a group chat
    On the MY GROUP CHATS listing view, there is a blue PLUS BUTTON in the bottom right corner. Tap that and DMP allows you to create a GROUP CHAT or a 1-2-1 CHAT.
  • Who can be added to a group chat
    2 types of people can be added to your group chat Anyone that is in your phone contact list Anyone part of your 'social contacts' A social contact is someone who is in a mutual group that you do NOT have in your phone address book. You can connect to that person in a 1-2-1 room OR a new group. This is how DMP augments your phone contact list. Contacts within group chats become part of your bigger DMP address book.
  • Can I modify a group chat
    Yes. When you open the group chat screen, tap on the gear icon (upper right) and this will take you to the area to MANAGE GROUP. Currently only the ADMIN of your group has this capability. Anything to do with the group can be modified. This includes name of group tags type of group members of the group Multi-admin per group is a coming soon feature.
  • Should I follow the red dots
    Yes! Generally that is a great rule of thumb. We use red dots (also known as badges) to indicate things to be done, seen or actioned.
  • How does TEXTING work with group invites
    The last step of creating a group is TEXTING invites. There is a button that says TEXT NOW if people in the group don't have the DMP app yet. Text, send, done. Once those users install the app, your INVITE will be waiting for them under their PROFILE.
  • What is 1 to 1 chat
    A chat room where you are chatting to just 1 person.
  • How do I find out who is part of a group
    There are two ways to do this. Fastest way is to long tap (TAP AND HOLD) over a group name and a popup will show you the list of names. You can also go into the group, hit the gear icon, then you will see the named list of group members.
  • How do I remove someone from the group
    Go to GROUP ADMIN and tap EDIT GROUP. Step 3 is where you ADD/REMOVE members. Don't forget to hit Step 4 to SAVE any changes.
  • What are the known bugs, issues or usability concerns
    LOW LEVEL USABILITY ISSUES We believe "sounds" as notifications are not working on the iPhone PENDING label for a 1-2-1 chat does not refresh on My Group Chats until app re-start REMINDERS - saving a reminder then hitting BACK arrow takes user into a new reminder setup and BACK has to be hit again to exit LOW LEVEL BUGS - none at this time. URGENT BUGS - none at this time. Above last updated - 12.1.24
  • Can I delete a group
    This is coming to the app in January 2025. Admins will be able to delete groups and members will be able to LEAVE a group. This is activated on the listing screen by swiping RIGHT on the group you want to LEAVE/DELETE.
  • Does your app work for both Android and iPhone
  • Is the app free
    The app is always free to the players. Our business model is centered on working with organizers/clubs.
  • Do I need to create a login and password
    NO Your phone number is used as your authentication. A simple text message tap is all it takes to access your account inside DMP.
  • I didn't allow notifications during install, what do I do now?
    Go into your phone settings, look for the area where you manage apps. Find DoubleMatchPoint and ENABLE notifications.
  • What is the install link This link will work for both Android or iPhone users. DMP also has a SHARE LINK and QR CODE INSTALL on the HOME screen. Both can be used to install the app.
  • What is a social contact
    When you are in a group and let's say a member named Sarah is part of that chat group. Sarah is NOT in your PHONE address book. You can still connect to her inside DMP. Under the GROUP gear icon you can connect via a 1-2-1 chat. If Sarah has enabled her PHONE PRIVACY then you will also be able to CALL or SMS(text) directly. She will also be in your contact list when you create a new GROUP CHAT.
  • What is a c-Room
    A c-Room is a "1-to-many" chat room where the 'c' stands for concierge. It's a special kind of group chat where the organizer can respond to user messages without having to manage a chat room with hundreds of people. It streamlines communications for organizers and creates solutions for key business challenges. These rooms are custom per ORG and is wrapped into the DMP onboarding process.
  • How does DMP use QR code technology
    DMP takes a QR code scan and creates a multi-topic communication channel for the end-user. This allows an ORG to onboard their community and immediately give them a useful toolset.
  • What is the DMP Robot
    The DMP Robot (Minerva) is the automated chat robot within the app. Named after the Roman goddess of wisdom, you will see the robot listed at the top of the My Group Chats screen. Her current role is to keep you informed about invitations, notifications, and messages. With c-Rooms, Minerva welcomes you to the chat room and gives you guidance upon entering.
  • What about Ai (artificial intelligence)
    DMP is currently using Ai to create some of the visuals you see inside the app. More Ai tooling is on the product pipeline for 2025. This will include things like chat room moderation around community rules.
  • How does DMP define an organizer
    For DMP an organizer can be any of the below entities country clubs private clubs public parks / rec departments LLCs (local league coordinator) CTAs (community tennis association) pros tournament directors tennis directors pickleball coaches leagues ladders clinics academies camps etc etc etc Depending on 'who' you are, DMP will setup an ORG according to the business and communication requirements.
  • How can organizers start using this platform
    It's a 4 step process outlined here. You can also get in touch at
  • What is the cost to organizers
    DMP is costed using a monthly subscription model. Get in touch to learn more.
  • How quickly can you get a community setup
    Getting setup is as quick as sending an email to your community announcing the availability of your "app channel." Most of our clients can get 80% of their community setup within a week. Tournaments are even faster.
  • What is the high level process for community setup
    The best process involves a mixture of email, social media and flyers. For example > Send out an email announcing the new communications app to your community Ensure you include the smartLink Do the same across your social media channels ( including smartLink) Post physical flyers and include the QR Code (for scanning)
  • What should I be broadcasting
    The short answer is anything you think is useful to your community. Short format messages that need to be seen should be your general rule of thumb. Remember that not everyone has the time to read every single long-format email you might be sending out, hence there is an information gap you are trying to fill. With DMP broadcast rooms you should be thinking.... real-time, must-read, short format messages. Once you have that mindset, it becomes very simple to come up with things to 'announce' in your new channel. Some examples include - court conditions general announcements event reminders registration deadline reminders league reminders league results weather updates etc
  • Can I call someone directly from DMP
    Yes. This new feature was added to groups on Feb 16, 2024.
  • How do I find this feature
    Open a chat (1-2-1 or group chat) and hit the GEAR icon. If a user is enabled inside a GROUP CHAT, then you will see 3 icons next to the name of the person. Those 3 icons are chat icon (links directly to a 1-2-1 chat screen) sms icon phone icon For a 1-2-1 chat, you get 2+3.
  • How do I share my PHONE number
    Open NAV, hit PROFILE and go to PHONE NUMBER PRIVACY. This enables your account for SMS and PHONE being visible by your groups.
  • Can I text (SMS) someone directly from DMP
    Yes. As long as that user has allowed their phone number to be visible. You will see a TEXT icon to tap under the GROUP ADMIN area icon = ⚙️ Upper right
  • Who is behind DoubleMatchPoint
    Two veterans from the digital media and internet technology space with assistance from a motley crew of trusted contractors. Over 50 years of combined experience working with massive global brands since the first dotcom bust in the early 2000s. Our experience is a cross section of adtech, martech, strategy, sales, operations, engineering, computer science research and product development.
  • What is a vertical messaging platform (VMP)
    A VMP is created when generic messaging (like WhatsApp) is augmented by a vertical specific toolset. DMP (DoubleMatchPoint) is a VMP because we are adding racquet sport tools to a messaging platform.
  • Tell me about your work with USTA
    DMP helped North Carolina to run their state tennis championships. Below are some of the details from 1 of the 7 tournaments we helped with comms & process. 1,012 players installed the app ( each identified as captains or players ) 107 teams put into chat rooms 238 lineups ( created and exchanged digitally ) 714 distinct matches (more matches than the US Open or French Open) 714 court assignments made digitally 4 day event 3,205 distinct messages sent 74 volunteers assigning courts 9 different tennis facilities 1 central hub for USTA to monitor all data ( including who is on court, off court etc ) All players and organizers were placed into 1 digital platform for communicating. A mobile app front-end and control center back-end. Preparation for the event included an online training portal and a few Zoom calls. An end-to-end process that was once paper + manual steps .... was digitized with a success rate of 99% ( 708 / 714 matches ) .
  • Tell me more about the backend
    Our engineering resources spent most of 2022 building out a robust & flexible backend that will allow us to move as fast as possible in bringing more and more tools to players. Anyone in the technology profession will tell you that having a well architected backend is extremely important if you want to scale and grow fast. We have a completely custom backend, built in-house, using systems that most of the major internet players also use. Scala, Expo, Amazon EC2, React Native, ... to name just a few pieces of the technology puzzle powering the DMP backend. Two key parts of our architecture ; events driven engine native app (using Expo) and not a "webView app" Since August 2023, we have been releasing new features on a cadence of every 3 weeks. We expect this to continue throughout 2024.
  • What ad products are available for sponsors
    We are developing ad packages for sponsors in two key areas of digital marketing ; 1> branding opportunities 2> targeted acquisition campaigns This includes targeted push messaging and app placements. To learn more, email us at
  • Can we do lead generation
  • Can we send coupons, QR codes or special offers to users
    Yes. We are capable of implementing various 'coupon' types. Get in touch and let us know what you'd like to see.
  • When can we setup our local sponsors directly inside our ORG
    This type of setup is coming in summer 2024.
  • Organization on your device
    DMP allows a player to centralize all their communications into one digital hub. Whether you are arranging a hit, organizing team lineups, talking about a tournament.... and doing this across pickleball and tennis. DMP helps you get more organized and stay organized.
  • Address book management
    DMP enhances your address book by allowing you to connect with others beyond your own device address book. See the FAQ on 'social connections.'
  • Categories and Filters
    Filters are powered by how you tag your group chat. This is not possible with SMS group texting. Those filters are automatically seen by the entire group membership. Another enhancement to organizing your chats.
  • Comms channels from clubs and other services
    Leagues, pro leagues, clubs and other ORGS can broadcast important alerts to you. Opting-in and muting is at your control as a user. DMP is also enabling services like stringing and mental training which a user can subscribe to. ( July 2024 )
  • Is my data and phone number being given to third parties
    Absolutely not. DMP will never resell or give access to your personal data to any third party. Additionally, our privacy policy binds us to the PII (Personal Identifiable Information) guidance established by the European Union and the recent laws passed in California (California Privacy Rights Act of 2020). More detailed information can be found in our policy here.
  • What about emailing, texting and sharing phone numbers within groups
    Texting and phone calls are enabled as a setting you control as a user. Users control this visibility under their PROFILE settings. To be clear, enabling this means giving access to calling+texting to the people INSIDE YOUR GROUP CHAT. To be clear, these functions are NOT an opt-in for DMP sharing your phone number with 3rd parties outside of DMP.
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